Friday, April 23, 2021


Today was my day off, so I decided I'd spend a good morning doing some digging.  I started by taking a drone picture of the plot, which actually has made it much easier to see where the previous beds were situated and helped me to make a plan based on those, since they've been easy to dig out:

This is a very rudimentary plan, but includes the veg I already have ready and allows for a bit of rotation.  I'm going to keep the bit by the compost heap (the top of picture) for flowers at the moment (but perhaps some beans), to avoid having too much to take care of, yet looking like I've made an effort to cultivate most of the plot.

I need to construct a netted cage for the brassicas - am hoping the rusting remains of an old greenhouse and skip-rescued scaffold netting will help with that.

Most of the digging session was spent investigating the mess behind the shed (see below), de-couching the brassica plot and digging up a vast number of dandelion plants - not too visible on these pictures, but much less present now!  
Ridiculous rubbish-filled weed pile behind the shed

The job tomorrow is to go and pick up all the weeds I left on the ground (hopefully they'll have dried up somewhat) and bring them home for the brown bin - the council should hot-compost those, then the 'bad' weeds needn't go in our compost bins.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

After going on out local allotment waiting list in May 2020, I was called the other day with an offer to view some available plots...viewed three, chose one. So now I am an allotment holder!

The plot is ten rods (about 250 sq m), has a shed, a large compost heap (full of junk) and a lot of grass that needs digging up.  Luckily, the shed still contained a fork, hoe and rake and there are a number of plastic compost bins and water butts that can be put to good use.  There is also a rudimentary sand pit, water table and selection of kids' tools and toys - so the previous plot holder must have had children - lucky for my daughter!

Note the lovely, maintained plots on either side...

Apparently it was rotovated last year but never planted, so there are still outline beds visible which are actually quite easy to dig.  I decided I'd clear and plant a bit at a time - since there is still time to get some ground cleared and plants in.

So I dug while the He and Her sorted out the toys and it now looks like this (this is the view the other way):

I'm going to make a trip down after work and get started on the weeding...


Today was my day off, so I decided I'd spend a good morning doing some digging.  I started by taking a drone picture of the plot, which ...